Taking The East
I would personnally like to welcome you to the website of The St. Johns Operative Rutherglen Lodge No. 347
I have been looking forward to taking to the chair of my mother lodge for the second time. I am once again hugely proud to be elected as Right Worshipful Master of this great lodge.
I can assure everyone that I will do my utmost to fulfil my duties to the very best of my ability and carry forward the good name of 347 and it's high standards.
I would also like to offer my congratulations to all our office bearers and hope you have a successful year in office.
Yours Fraternally
Bro. David C. Murray RWM.
The Lodge meets every second and last Friday of the month from September to May
Lodge Tyles at 7:30pm.
(Except Installation Evening 7.00pm)